Monday, December 29, 2014

Top Ten Posts of 2014

This is the first year in quite some time where I have really been intentional about REGULARLY posting to my blog. I have found blogging this year to be an excellent way to share successes and failures, engage in conversation, and test new ideas. I THANK YOU for reading and being a part of FaithEdTech.

Because there is a much greater body of posts from this year, this is the first time I have compiled a list of the top ten posts, listed in order of page views, of the 2014 year. Enjoy reliving the year with me and, perhaps, finding something new to learn in the process.

Here we go......

1. Blended Learning MOOC: A mere nine days ago I wrote about this massive open online course that open on January 5th, 2015. There is still time to join the learning!

2. Conference Time: Together But Separate: A call to better utilize district conference time and to leverage in more meaningful ways our joining together at a single physical site.

3. Magi at the Manger?: Do the magi belong with the shepherds at the manger scenes in our churches, schools, and homes? You decide!

4. Apply the PBL Process: A list of practical ideas for applying project based learning in classrooms, gleaned from my teaching experiences during this current school year.

5. Lights Academy Trip: Republic Financial: A summary of an excellent off-campus trip taken with my project based learning class to a local financial company.

6. Lights Academy Update -- Fostering a Joy of Inquiry: Discussion of the challenges and successes in having students take charge of their own learning through questioning and inquiry.

7. Asking the Crowd: New Tools and Services: A call for sharing digital tools and services that educators are finding useful for the classroom.

8. Classroom Humor -- Copyright: What my nephew said to his teacher that made her laugh.

9. Student Notetaking in 1:1 Classroom: A discussion of the various methods of notetaking,  with and without using digital tools, and their relative value and merits.

10. 360 Degree Questioning: Outlines a great strategy for developing joy in the process of inquiry.

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