Thursday, June 09, 2016

More on the Modern Realities in Education and #LuthEd

A few weeks ago I crafted this post about the modern realities in education and how they impact Lutheran education. My hope that sharing these thoughts, along side the original post from Will Richardson that sparked these ideas, a larger conversation might emerge that would be beneficial FOR those who care about Lutheran schools.

Concordia Publishing House was interested in applying these ideas to Lutheran education as well. They offered me the opportunity to contribute to a four-part series that will break down each of Richardson's statements in his post and apply them to the Lutheran learning community. I am thankful for this opportunity to share ideas with a larger audience

The first post went live this morning. This will be my one contribution to this series, but we will also highlight and discuss the other three posts in this series on this blog.

Below is a link to my contribution. As you read it, do you agree with the thoughts shared? Disagree? How (if at all) do you see these ideas applying to Lutheran education? Feel free to add your own comments so we can work together and think through what is means to be educationally relevant and effective in this digital age.


1 comment:

  1. Just read your post. Thanks for the wise and thoughtful insights!
