Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sample Problems to Be Solved

As you may have read earlier, my Lights Academy students at Lutheran High School have been charged with the task of identifying a problem to solve and then working to solve this problem. While not all problem-solving activities have been identified, here are some of the problems our students are selecting to solve:
  • Study the traffic patterns in our drive and parking lot and make recommendations for greater safety and better flow, especially as our school grows. 
  • Share the history of the former Denver Lutheran High School -- a history that is fading from the consciousness of many.
  • Building a campaign to help people understand the dangers of choosing to not vaccinate their children.
  • Creating financial literacy resources to highlight the importance of personal savings, recognizing that Americans are very poor at doing this.
  • How do we maximize the rentals of our facility? One student will be working with our school athletic director to tackle that problem.
  • Our school requires service hours from students. A problem we face is that many students and families of unaware of the many opportunities before them. One student will research and compile opportunities and build digital and paper materials to highlight these opportunities for the school to share with those seeking service hours.
  • One student is doing research on a large corporation he admires, identifying a problem they face, and then submitting an unsolicited solution to that problem.
You can see that personalization is a hallmark of Lights Academy. We are empowering them to address these problems in the coming weeks. Updates will be posted over the course of this next month.

What problems can you empower YOUR students to solve? This world is full of interesting problems. Let your students make a difference!

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