Thursday, July 04, 2013

Coffee House Ideas

A few days ago I posted some ideas about a Lutheran Coffee House -- a place or places where Lutheran educators may regularly gather to better make sense of technology and education for our students and families. The ideas of the coffee house resonates with many people, but it is currently an idea in abstract. To that end, in order to put the coffee house idea into practice, taking advantage of the digital tools with which we have been blessed, let me share a few examples of how we might create this Lutheran Coffee House. See whether you feel one or more of these ideas would be effective, or share your own ideas:
  • Create regular online meetings with a thematic topic for Lutheran education in Google Hangouts
  • Sponsor monitored and moderated Twitter chats, perhaps using a hashtag such as #LuthEdChat
  • Build some interviews with innovative master teachers in the Lutheran system and record these interviews as a basis for a discussion board conversation, hopefully inspiring each of us with new ideas.
Do you have another suggestion for creating the coffee house? Does one of the ideas listed above seem workable? Share your response as a comment to this post. Let's build the Lutheran Coffee House!


  1. David Elliott11:50 AM

    Great ideas David.

    I'll be coming to LEA in WI. A Google community would be a great place to share ideas and work together on a variety of topics.

  2. Like idea of G hangouts. My problem is always the synchronous part..
