As we enter the third quarter of the school year, the students in Lights Academy, our project-based personalized learning academy at Lutheran High School, are preparing for their most significant project of the year. This year the focus of this project is some sort of innovation in an area of interest and passion for the student.
I have long thought about two things related to student projects. First, that I as a teacher should demonstrate my passion for life-long learning and make that transparent, and second, that the best way to have empathy for what students experience during the school day is to actively mirror their experiences in some way.
To that end, during the third quarter I am going to be completing a project alongside my students. My innovation is more of an iteration and it is related to the baseball research I do. Students will help hold me accountable and seek to ask probing questions to ensure that my project is the best that it can be, just as I do for them.
Linked below is my project planning document. We use these documents in Lights Academy to guide our inquiry and provide a path for deep learning. Each student has a similar document for their work.
Dave's Project Planning Document
I am hoping to learn more about what my students experience as well as learn more about my own interests and passions through this project. I will likely be writing more about this process in future posts.
Do any of you intentionally create learning opportunities for yourselves alongside your students? If so, share your ideas as a reply to this post.
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