Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Summer Thanksgiving Inventory

The end of the school year and its dizzying array of activities, expectations, etc. got me a bit down. One of the best ways to combat those feelings of fatigue and frustration is to intentionally inventory the blessings I've seen from God -- blessings both great and small. Here is a small list of those blessings:

  • Twenty 8th graders completed their preparation to make their mark on the world for Christ through their years at Shepherd of the Hills
  • The sun is up early enough and the mornings are warm enough for me to enjoy Bible study, prayer, newspaper reading, and coffee and breakfast on the patio each morning
  • My daughter received excellent preparation from Lutheran High School, and now had graduated to move on to college
  • A colleague in a local Lutheran school completed one year of health following her surgery to donate a kidney to her father
  • Had the chance to watch some fun high school baseball last night. First, a family friend had the chance to play in a senior all-star game on behalf of the Metro League, acquitting himself well with a double off the left field wall. Then the Lutheran High School summer team completed a 13-3 win in their game.
  • As a family, we have continued to be blessed with health, safety, and protection
  • I survived the Mind Eraser with the 8th grade class at Elitch Gardens!
There are many other items I could list, but I want to know what is on your thanksgiving inventory? How is God blessing and showering His graciousness upon you?

1 comment:

  1. On a professional level: I am thankful for my staff, my school board, and the support of the three churches in our association.
    On a personal level: Thankful to have made it through a year that included a new position, a new house, and a new baby!
